I did more work on TallyHoh tonight. I think I have pretty much gotten through the list of changes that Tyler and I came up with a few weeks ago. What I have left is:
– user contributed description
– user reviews
– feed ownership
I think I will implement reviews, but description and ownership I will suggest the feed owner update their feed directly, instead of overwriting the description on TallyHoh directly. I am not sure if there was a reason Tyler and I thought this would be a good idea, so I will have to verify that with him.
After I complete the reviews, I need to go through and clean up the code. I am sure there are plenty of places for me to make improvements, this being my first ruby application and all. After that maybe I will work with Tyler to get a blog or something put up on Protoh.com so I came put these kind of posts on there where they belong.
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