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Tag Archives: python
The JVM is not Java
Is this another rant?….Yes. I apologize for all the rants lately, but hopefully there is some educational value woven throughout my posts, and besides I promised this one. Lets start with a history lesson… In the beginning there was assembly, … Continue reading
Posted in development, languages, theory
Tagged actionscript, dynamic, groovy, java, jee, jruby, jvm, python, ruby
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Java is not Statically Typed (right now)
What?!?1?!/!? That is right, I said it Java is not statically typed and by proxy is not safer than dynamic languages. Zealots HALT! We can fix this, and I intend to add some gas to the fire that people like … Continue reading
Posted in development, languages, programming, rant, software, theory
Tagged coldfusion, dynamic, framework, hibernate, java, perl, python, ruby, spring, static