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Category Archives: languages
JRuby, Ruby gem command conflict
I would have to assume that there are plenty of developers out there that want to install JRuby and Ruby on the same machine. There is a tragic flaw with this, the gem command is the same for both. If … Continue reading
The JVM is not Java
Is this another rant?….Yes. I apologize for all the rants lately, but hopefully there is some educational value woven throughout my posts, and besides I promised this one. Lets start with a history lesson… In the beginning there was assembly, … Continue reading
Posted in development, languages, theory
Tagged actionscript, dynamic, groovy, java, jee, jruby, jvm, python, ruby
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Java is not Statically Typed (right now)
What?!?1?!/!? That is right, I said it Java is not statically typed and by proxy is not safer than dynamic languages. Zealots HALT! We can fix this, and I intend to add some gas to the fire that people like … Continue reading
Posted in development, languages, programming, rant, software, theory
Tagged coldfusion, dynamic, framework, hibernate, java, perl, python, ruby, spring, static
Oracle Using JRuby
In case you didn’t hear this a couple weeks ago, Oracle published their first JRuby on Rails application as a top level domain on oralce. The application is called Mix, and although I am not exactly sure what it does, … Continue reading
JVM Language War
Today it seems that certain people have their panties in a wad over a post from Charles Nutter on how to make Ruby syntax look like Groovy syntax. When I first saw Charles’ post I immediately saw it as a … Continue reading
Flex Frameworks
Recently there has been a lot of discussion at my office, and online about whether or not a framework is necessary in Flex. Before revealing my opinion I wanted to go over a few reasons why I believe frameworks are … Continue reading
ROOP (programming language)
After claiming the #1 search rank in Google for daniel roop, I decided to set my eyes on a higher prize. Some people suggested I should try to claim daniel, now aside from this being a biblical character reference, it … Continue reading
JRuby vs Groovy
Lately at my office there has been some conversation about dynamic languages, and which one we should be investigating to replace dead languages like, ColdFusion, there I said it. Luckily one of the dynamic language junkies left to go work … Continue reading
Language Patterns
I was researching the execution time difference between static and instance method calls today and came across an old Java forum thread about the topic. I was looking for performance information, but everyone in the thread was focusing on “good … Continue reading
Actionscript 3.0 Object Equality
This weekend I began tinkering around with FlexUnit 2.0 for Actionscript 3.0. So far I am excited about the framework. It doesn’t do much, but it does the basics. When writing some of my tests I found I needed to … Continue reading