You have to read the title as if your are Lion-O from ThunderCats. You remember…”Thunder, Thunder, ThunderCats…HO!!!!!”. The new product that Tyler and I are pushing out has nothing to do with ThunderCats, that is unless you subscribe to a ThunderCat News Feed like Thundercats The Movie.
Without further ado…
You have heard me talk about it, and now the wait is over! Tyler and I (mostly Tyler) have been working to prepare our beta initial release of TallyHoh. We officially launched it today and are taking the Better, Not Beta. We have some updates we plan to do with the UI, but we want to see if people actually like the product. I have been using our builds for the last 9 months now, and I couldn’t live without it. The end goal is to provide a place for you to aggregate all your feeds (RSS Reader) with the functionality to share and express your opinion about the content you are reading (Social) to other users (tally = positive, folly = negative, nully = don’t care). We are attempting to implement as many web standards as we think makes= sense, hReview tags for our review sections, OpenID for our authentication, OPML for importing and exporting (boo) your subscription list and RSS and ATOM for our syndication methods. You may notice a friends feature missing when you sign up. This is mainly because we are hoping a project like DiSo will gain enough momentum or at least get to a point where we can use the standards they produce as an open friend network so we don’t have to recreate the wheel for the 1 Billionth time.
Thanks to everyone who takes the time to try out our first creation. And to all those who don’t…well thanks for reading my blog ;-). If you have any issues or comments at all please don’t hesitate to email me (daniel [at] protoh dot com).
2 Responses to Tally, Tally, TallyHoh HOH!!!! …The Social RSS Reader