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Author Archives: Daniel Roop
Roop Says What?!
Roop said not a whole lot lately. So consider this my apologize to my literally 10s of loyal readers, and the kickoff for return to blogging. So before I give you any goodness I have a little house cleaning to … Continue reading
Oracle Using JRuby
In case you didn’t hear this a couple weeks ago, Oracle published their first JRuby on Rails application as a top level domain on oralce. The application is called Mix, and although I am not exactly sure what it does, … Continue reading
JVM Language War
Today it seems that certain people have their panties in a wad over a post from Charles Nutter on how to make Ruby syntax look like Groovy syntax. When I first saw Charles’ post I immediately saw it as a … Continue reading
Open ID 2.0 and OAuth 1.0 Released
Congratulations to OpenID 2.0 and OAuth 1.0 for their official release at the internet Identity workshop. I have been following both of these projects for some time, and will probably be looking at how we can update TallyHoh to use … Continue reading
Eric Evans Presentation at JAOO
I was clicking through infoq this morning, and came across a presentation by Eric Evans on DDD. Eric wrote the book Domain Driven Design. I have not yet had the pleasure to read this book, but I will be sure … Continue reading
Recording with multiple inputs into GarageBand
I have found that it was a lot of work to record three seperate tracks, on three seperate computers and then sync them all up afterwards for 2nd Player. So I did some research to figure out how I could … Continue reading
Is Open Social, Open Friend?
That is the question I had to ask myself when I first saw OpenSocial. Being the owner and developer of a social site to be, TallyHoh, I am very interested in the possibility of taking advantage of a central friend … Continue reading
When is a Tool not a Tool?
A couple weeks ago my colleague Brian LeGros published an article about Object Persistance and Architecture. It was a very good article in his series on design practices, but it made me think about some struggles I have had when … Continue reading
Posted in development, programming, theory
Tagged framework, hibernate, java, rails, spring
Buildr Apache
Big Congrats to the Buildr team for getting accepted into the apache incubator program. I haven’t been working with Buildr as much since my team decided to go with Maven (for now) but it is a great alternative to Ant … Continue reading
Flex Frameworks
Recently there has been a lot of discussion at my office, and online about whether or not a framework is necessary in Flex. Before revealing my opinion I wanted to go over a few reasons why I believe frameworks are … Continue reading